I had the opportunity of going to the Draper Temple Dedication on Sunday and though it was a long day, I had a wonderful time! We had to be on a bus to ride to the temple at 11:30am even though our session didn't start until 2:00pm. We had to sit in the chapel of a Stake Center until it was time to go into the temple. Fortunately my friends and I planned ahead and packed enough treats and water to feed the entire congregation, which was a good thing because it turned out to be a great way to make new friends.
When we got in the temple, we were seated in one of the sealing rooms and with a couple of flat screens in front of us. Even though we weren't in the same room as the Prophet and other General Authorities, the Spirit was still very strong. There were several excellent speakers, and as always, President Monson's caring personality shined through as he made personal comments and greetings to members of the congregation with him in the Celestial Room.
How fortunate I feel to have so many temples so close to me. I was thinking about it and there are literally 5 temples (soon to be 6 with the new Oquirrh Mountain Temple) within 25 minutes of my house. I love it!