Halloween happens to be one of my favorite holidays. I enjoy the anticipation of creating a costume and then dressing up and being in character...I really should have gone in to theather or something like that.
In years past, I almost always have thrown my own Halloween parties. However, this year I left the party planning to others. I went to three different parties and of course, for each of them had to wear a different costume.
Friday night I dressed up as Princess Leia. This costume was inspired by a trip to Disneyland with my family a couple of years ago when I walked into the Star Tours gift shop and came across a Princess Leia headband complete with the huge cinnamon bun hair pieces. I knew that I could build a costume around this...and I had a total blast doing just that. I went to a thrift store down the street from my house and was totally amazed to find the exact dress and belt that I wanted. The dress happens to be an old LDS temple dress from the 80's or so, and the belt...well...I have no idea who besides a Jedi Princess would have ever worn this belt. It is made of metal and looks has a shield buckle on it. It was perfect!
Saturday night I was invited to a Zombie party thrown by a friend of mine who is famous for his parties...and it was not disappointing in the slightest. I didn't have time to get too creative with my costume for this one...but really almost anything goes as a zombie. So, I just put on my ugliest shirt (or prettiest for those of you who like sequence) put on a little white and green make up and ratted my hair as high as it would go. This party was so much fun! We played some really creative games, had dinner served and were even entertained when a few fellow zombies spontaneously performed Michael Jackson's Thriller dance. It was awesome!
After the zombie party, I went home and changed to go to another party. For this one, I chose to go as Wonder Woman...who happens to be my real alter ego. We went to a party that ended up being closed down by the police about an hour after we arrived. I know...you are probably thinking..."Melissa, aren't you a little OLD to be going to parties where the cops show up?" And the answer to that is "YES!" But...this is my life!

All in all, it was a very fun Halloween weekend and I can't wait to start thinking about what I will be next year!