Thursday, February 26, 2009

You don't know what you don't know...ya know?

So...since my last post when I delivered my triplets I have been on a bit of a roller coaster of illness...actually it was less like a roller coaster and more like a free fall since there didn't seem to be any 'ups' only 'downs' on my health ride the past few weeks. It turned out that I had one more kidney stone still in my kidney that was more than double the size of the 3 others that I had already passed. That 4th stone started passing, but got stuck about a week and a half ago. Unfortunately, my doctor didn't think it was going to pass without help so I ended up having surgery this past week to break up the stone. Since then I have finally been able to pass the last stone! For me, worse than the pain caused by the stone was the nausea, dizziness, and fevers which accompanied it. I have been fortunate to have enjoyed good health for most of my life and what has surprised me the most the past few days is that I didn't know how sick I have been feeling until I started feeling good again. And I also learned first hand how priceless our health really is, I guess we really don't know what we don't know...ya know?

Monday, February 9, 2009

I had triplets!

I know that I am kind of springing this on all of you, because you probably didn't even know that I was expecting...well...neither did I it was a TOTAL surprise to me when I started having pains on Thursday night and checked myself into the hospital. Anyway...the little ones were delivered around 8:35am on Saturday they are....

These kidney stones! And they were the absolute worst experience I have ever had. And I am not a weirdo who saved these little guys for souvenirs, my doctor wanted me to save them so they could be analyzed….so I am not keeping them, I am giving them up for adoption and for science!