So, now that I am another year older and another year wiser, I have decided that it might be time to start lying about my age.
I was speaking with a girl from work today. She just graduated from college and is the ripe old age of 24. She is trying to decide if she wants to go to grad school because she still hasn't decided what she wants to be "when she grows up". I told her not to worry about it because I am still trying to decide what I want to be when I grow up too. She started laughing and told me that I am such a "fun lady".
Without her knowing it, she just called me the most offensive name I can think of. I am not a "lady"...I am still a "girl", aren't I??? Well, maybe not a "girl", but a "young woman" or a "young adult" at the least, right??? It is the same feeling I get when I go to a restaurant or a store and the clerk or waitress calls me "ma'am". I am not a "ma'am"! I am a "miss"! When did I get old??? I am not sure, but it is really kind of depressing.