A very common occurrance this time of year is to make New Year's Resolutions...I actually don't like the word "resolution"...it sounds a little too cliche to me. However, I wanted to do something different to commemorate the turning of the page on my calendar from 2008 to 2009. So, I sat down, took stock of what happened in 2008; the highs and the lows, and what I want for 2009. And they say that one of the differences between a wish and a goal is to write it down...so here goes...
This year I want to take a writing class...and if you are reading this blog you are probably thinking to yourself...HALELUJIAH! Heehee! I've always enjoyed writing and decided to take advantage of the community classes offered through the University of Utah. I don't really expect to become a best selling author, however it would sure to be fun to hone some skills to improve something that I enjoy doing.
I also want to reach my goal weight this year...if you have known me for more than a week, you will know that the battle with my weight has been a life long struggle for me. And that the concept of "goal weight" is something that I personally haven't experienced since about the age of 4 or so. Even though this journey has been a long one for me, it has been only the past 2 years that my current path has been really working for me. As of today, I have lost 93 pounds and know that if I continue to work hard I will reach my goal weight this year. What an accomplishment that will be for me!
Something else that I really want this year is to get married. There are 7 kids in my family, and in the past 2 months the last two single members of my family have gotten engaged; excluding me of course! That makes me officially the Last of the Mohicans...or at least the Last of the Workmans. Oh...what a joy! :) Actually, I am really happy for both of my brothers and think it is just what they need. The problem with this goal, is that I feel like I have less control over this one than I do over the other two goals I have written down this year. So maybe the goal shouldn't be "to get married" but rather to put myself out there and be prepared so that I can be blessed with that opportunity. It's a much harder goal to measure, but one that I really want so am willing to put it all out there.
So...like I said earlier...here goes....