I feel like summertime has finally arrived!
Summer started off so wet this year, my softball games and rounds of golf kept getting rained out, so I was really beginning to feel the summer time blues. However, the sun has been shining the past couple of weeks and I have been taking full advantage of it.
This year has been the summer of hikes and enjoying the outdoors. Last Monday I went with some friends and climbed up to Ensign Peak in honor of Pioneer Day. It was my first time going and we planned to be there in time for the sunset. Needless to say that the breathtaking vistas overlooking Salt Lake City and the Great Salt Lake did not disappoint.
I feel so lucky to have such beautiful mountins literally 15 minutes from my house. I bought a hiking book and am trying to systematically go through it and see all of the wonderful things that are practically in my back yard. On Saturday, we decided to go to Hidden Falls which is just a few miles up Big Cottonwood Canyon. We kind of prepared for a day of rugged hiking., but were pleasantly surprised to find Hidden Falls about 3 minutes from the parking area. For some reason we thought it was really funny and couldn't stop laughing about it. It was a good thing we packed our water bottles! We stayed there for a bit, and took some fun pictures, then we
And then finally, today I was able to go ATVing with the Hunts at Three Peaks just outside of Cedar City. We had a great time climbing on the rocks and riding the motorcycle and four wheelers. It has been such a fun summer so far and I can't wait to see what other adventure
s I have this year!